
Help Video

Humans of Partnership: Brenda Mopas

Female health care manager wearing a white lab coat, standing in front of a banner that says, "Not all superheros wear capes."

There was a lot of anxiety when we had our first COVID-19 patient. As days go on, and we have more and more patients, staff has accepted the reality that this is our new normal. We huddle on every shift, and I share the most up-to-date information I have. There are a lot of changes, so we’re constantly adapting and flexing to follow new procedures and recommendations. I draw strength from my staff, and we support each other. I also remind staff to take care of themselves. We all need to get rest, eat healthy and exercise. If you feel like you need more support, reach out to EAP. Everyone still has fears — that does not go away. I’m scared, but I’m also really proud of my staff.

Brenda Mopas , manager, medical-surgical unit 5 EWA, Moanalua Medical Center (Hawaii)