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Physicians Combat Pandemic-Related Stress
A multipronged, results-oriented campaign centered around joy in work increased physician involvement in unit-based teams.
- When at risk for burnout, physicians can deepen job satisfaction by engaging in performance improvement with their teams, all while contributing their unique perspective to workplace issues.
- Showcasing small successes on one unit-based team encourages physician involvement in performance improvement efforts

Collaboration Across Teams Reduces Interruptions
Laboratory and emergency departments teamed to decrease work interruptions caused by non-urgent test result notifications.
- Workplace interruptions can add stress, increase patient errors and cause patients to feel like they’re not receiving good care.
- Lab staff tested the secure chat messaging in Kaiser Permanente’s electronic health record system to notify Emergency Department nurses about non-urgent lab results instead of using their hands-free, voice-controlled wearable communication devices.

Saving Money Through Prescriptions
Pharmacy UBT reduced the number of high-cost prescriptions filled outside KP pharmacies and saved over $108,000 in 2021.
- When health plan members use KP pharmacies, the cost is lower for them and for the organization.
- Team members contacted Kaiser Permanente patients who filled prescriptions outside KP pharmacies and explained the benefits of ordering their medications within KP.

Ensuring Patients’ Wishes in Times of Need
Increased the number of patients completing advance directives from 20 percent to 80 percent in 3 months.
- Advance directives give patients a say in their care plan while they can make informed decisions and help make their choices known to family members and their doctor.
- Creating a process for medical assistants to verify, update and offer information about advance care directives to radiation oncology patients

Flower Power Reduces Injuries
This team reduced the risk of trips and falls by identifying the safest spot for rolling chairs in exam rooms.
- Keeping workers safe and healthy means they can be there for their patients, families and communities.
- Placing a flower-shaped decal on the floor to indicate where to place rolling chairs in exam rooms

UBT Solves Overtime Dilemma
This inpatient nursing team decreased overtime costs by improving change-of-shift communication.
- Reducing overtime costs keeps Kaiser Permanente affordable for our members and leads to workflow efficiencies that enhance patient care.
- Standardizing change-of-shift communication

Promoting Online Care
This team increased sign-ups by involving everyone in promotion efforts and hosting enrollment fairs.
- We are empowering members to manage their care with digital tools that connect them to their care team from anywhere.
- Involving the entire team in the effort to register members on

Emails Lick Stamps and Envelopes
Sending emails — rather than letters — is cheaper, faster and more convenient for our patients.
- Email provides patients with timely information about their appointments and enhances our ability to deliver safe, affordable and convenient quality care and service.
- Tracking the number of paper envelopes mailed to patients

Stress-free Service Soothes the Sleepless
A patient-centered approach to delivering supplies gets the job done.
- Timely delivery of equipment and supplies enhances patient satisfaction and speeds the diagnosis and treatment of common sleep disorders.
- Mailing sleep therapy supplies to patients, centralizing supply distribution and purchasing software to track deliveries

Pharmacy Helps Patients Get Mammograms
The team worked with Imaging department staff to identify patients overdue for breast cancer screenings and to help fast-track their mammogram appointments.
- Preventive screenings are important to detect disease early, when treatment is most effective.
- Checking patients’ electronic medical records to identify those due for breast cancer screenings

Tracking Time Yields Results
Wait time for lab results fell by 56% after team members adjusted their workflow and schedules.
- Delivering timely results reduces patient anxiety and enables physicians to diagnose and treat patients sooner.
- Documenting and tracking the time to process tissue specimens

Fresh Perspective Spurs Workflow Innovation
Listening to the "voice of the customer" is the key to getting results.
- Timely delivery of medication is critical for patient care and eases anxiety and stress among staff.
- Shadowing hospital nurses to better understand their wants and needs.