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Speak Up on Patient Malnutrition
The nutrition team improved communication to better identify and treat malnourished patients.
- Patients with malnutrition may not be apparent during short hospital stay.
- Using key phrases to identify malnourished patients

Speeding Up Door-to-Door Trips
Transport time dropped when this team coordinated with other departments, ensured labs and meds were ready and made other improvements.
- A long wheelchair ride is inefficient and poor patient service.
- Getting better chairs improved transport times

The Key to Great Service: Call and Response
Service scores shot up when this oncology team paired a nurse with a buddy to help with patient response.
- Responding to a patient’s needs is central to their care.
- Pairing with a buddy can shorten patient response times

Create Surgery Wait List
Dedicated employee shrinks surgery wait list backlog by 70 percent, clearing the way to fit emergency patients into the schedule.
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery patients were complaining about the wait for surgery, and the backlog prevented the scheduling of emergency surgeries.
- Created a wait list and called patients in order when there was an opening for surgery, so the process was fair to all patients.

Why Speaking Up Matters
Patients suffer fewer hospital-acquired infections and staff has high morale and low turnover.
- Speaking up leads to fewer patient infections and more satisfied staff.
- Physicians, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers and other caregivers take part in multidisciplinary daily patient rounding together