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How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices
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How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
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Provide Care With Secondary Tubing
By using secondary tubing , which can be just as safe as primary tubing for many IV uses, this team saved a bunch of money.
- When not medically necessary, primary tubing is wasteful.
- Switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing, whenever appropriate

All Hands for
Primary care team used the entire staff for a sign-up promotion, they posted signs to encourage registration, and spoke with patients about the benefits of
- Members are better served and get better care when signed up with
- Getting all team members involved in the promotional effort

Get Out Front of Hypertension
Adult Primary Care team increased the proportion of patients with their high blood pressure under control after a concerted outreach effort.
- Controlling high-blood pressure is essential to patient health.
- Reaching out to at-risk patients for hypertension, especially diabetics

Make New Members Feel Welcome
This Adult Primary Care UBT saw service scores go up after it created a "road map" on how to utilize services.
- Reaching out and welcoming new members improves loyalty.
- Calling new members to help set up appointments

Creative Thinking Speeds Up Lab
After it rejiggered its workflows, this lab team cut wait times dramatically.
- Patients waiting an hour at the lab is unacceptable.
- Shifting schedules to accommodate more patients

New Needles Bruise Less, Please Patients
Complaints about bruising dropped after this lab team took action to identify the root of the problem and get better supplies.
- A gentle touch shows patients we care and reduces their anxiety.
- Switching to a different needle provider

Speed Up Patient Wait Times
This internal medicine team reduced wait times for patients after it started huddling twice daily and shifted schedules where necessary.
- Speeding up patient's time to see doctor is good service.
- Getting medical assistants to check vitals

Encouraging Patients to Get Screenings
More patients pledged to get screeings after members of this team began a strategic outreach campaign.
- Early detection of cancer saves lives.
- Training and peer-to-peer coaching of staff

Personalize The Need for Screening
After identifying eligible members for colorectal screening, the team developed a personalized story for each patient, and created a follow-up process to contact them.
- Early detection is paramount to successful cancer treatment.
- Bringing the message to a personal level helps patients to understand

Scheduling Helps Cut Med Waste
Stacking your appointment schedule can help offset cancer medication costs.
- A same-day schedule for patients who use the same IV drug can reduce waste.
- Scheduling cancer patients on the same day brought costs down

Transformed Team Tracks Transplant Patients
UBT dramatically improves the percentage of kidney transplant patients getting follow-up screenings and services.
- Regular follow-up care is crucial for kidney transplant patients, who are at risk for a host of complications, including cancer and pneumonia.
- Team hosted a special clinic for post-transplant patients, enabling them to get all their follow-up care in one visit

Small Changes, Healthy Babies
Increase in percentage of little ones with all immunizations current.
- Vaccines help prevent disease.
- Give shots in the exam room instead of the injection clinic